
Life should be simple.

Theres way too much going on in our lives.

I wish i could leave it at that. We're all so caught up in ourselves.
A net of problems catch us from being able to swim forward and we let that become our world.
Drama is definitely what makes up most of the net sometimes.
Are we really so stupid to let something small hinder us?

Life should be simple. You know?
I think it was suppose to be that way.
God tells us that we shouldn't let the little things bother us, whether its a fight with your parents, or that you won't be able to do this or that, because there really is a purpose in why thats not good for us.
It puts us in a position to only think about ourselves, and did you know that life isn't about that?
Crazy, huh.
No, life was meant to be a simple gift and a friendship with Jesus himself. I sometimes think about how cool it would be if we never tasted sin. How everything would be so different.
Of course i get caught up in this world and all about how my life is going, but i just have to stop and wonder...why can't I be a lot more simple? Forgive and forget. Forget about me for once.
Jesus + me + how He wants to use me = life.
Life should be simple.


Kristina Weeks said...

I completely, utterly, undeniably, 100% agree.

It is so easy to be distracted. I was just chastised yesterday about how I am waayyy too emotionally driven and let my emotion control my decision making process. It's the "little things" that cause us to stumble only a little, but we cry "Oh! Look, I've just lost it, I'm falling, I'm dying!" And really we're not losing or falling or dying at all. We just tripped. And Jesus is still there saying "Hey, I've got you. No worries, I'm still here. Talk to me, babe." It's hard to let Him teach us simplicity.

check out the thing for july 29th (or if you read it today you can just read it, haha)

Jen said...

WOW. serious. you have such a way with words. and you are so full of wisdom. wow. girl keep it up. God has something amazing planned for you.